Kid friendly bar in Dubai? Enter: BFF
This is not about pointing fingers. This is not about wearing the crown of virtuousness. In fact, this is just about some self-kicking. Realizations that dawned on me from 10 minutes of checking my Instagram feed. I’m guilty of it all, and maybe, just maybe, you are too. And maybe, it’s time we try to make amends and change things around for the better. Here are the four mistakes food bloggers make:
Ideally there should be 5 points to this blogpost. Because “5 Mistakes Food Bloggers Make” will sound better than “4 Mistakes Food Bloggers Make”. But then, I have ran out of things to crib out. We might have our flaws, but we definitely are a super cool bunch, in the sacred mission of sampling the good and the bad, and spreading word about it. If only we straighten these little folds and creases…
A walking epitome of food-lust, permanently craving for chicken, cheese & chocolates of all and every form. A marketing and content writing professional living in Dubai with my husband, who has learnt to be the perfect side-kick in food explorations around the world. If you find me raiding the fridge at ungodly hours, I'm just inspiring my tummy.
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Good post!!
Great post. Love your honesty and I couldn’t agree more with your thoughts!
Totally Agree with most of it !! At least someone had the guts to admit it.
Haha good one. Here’s my number 5 – Same-same. We’re not just food bloggers, we’re normal people with tastes and preferences, and so we tend to dine in very similar places. I’ve got 10 posts ready to go, but all about the same kind of restaurant (I’ve got this thing for good wine and raw fish). Do my readers want that? Not likely. And do they want to hear about my 50th visit to the same restaurant? Don’t think so!
Spot on Neenu. The disclosure issue is getting a bit out of hand. I’ve seen a blogger speak at length about disclosure at length. And yet, I didn’t see any such thing on a restaurant post which I got an invitation to myself. You shouldn’t call out on others when the rule is non-existent to yourself.
Totally agree and and love #3 and #4! impressive write up Neenu chechi <3